The purpose of a fence is to provide your home with privacy and security, but it also adds an aesthetic aspect that is designed to compliment your landscaping and add to the overall curb appeal. When you are comparing different material options, you may find that vinyl is a great choice for the following reasons.
Vinyl Can Be Customized
One advantage of using vinyl material is that there is a wide range of customizations you can make that can't be done with competing materials. The selection of patterns and colors really help vinyl look quite different and fit in with virtually any style of home out there. Vinyl panels come in various thicknesses, designs, and heights that allow you to select the perfect fence for your yard.
You may not have known that vinyl can be manufactured in ways that replicate other materials. Want a wood fence, but hate the idea of maintaining it? You can have a vinyl fence that is the color of wood with a grain texture.
There is also the option to paint vinyl fence panels down the road to change the appearance. You don't have to get a brand new fence installed just because you want to change up the look of your yard.
Vinyl Requires Minimal Maintenance
Many homeowners love vinyl fence panels because they do not require much maintenance when compared to other materials. Vinyl doesn't need to be sanded and stained in order to protect it from water, since the material is naturally non porous and won't be subjected to rot and mold growth. The vinyl panels will not become infested with pests either, so you do not have to treat them with a pesticide.
The most you'll have to do when it comes to maintenance is clean the material when it looks dirty. Cleaning is done with a hose and a scrub brush, or even with a pressure washer if you want to get fancy about it.
Vinyl Is Easy To Install
The large panels of vinyl make the material easy to install. Vinyl fence panels are attached to the posts after they have been set in the ground, and there is no need to place individual boards. Elevation changes are handled by creating a step pattern, which leaves small gaps underneath the fence. This ideal for homeowners trying to do the installation on their own or just want to save on the labor costs due to being on a budget.